Interior Designers Decking The Halls – And Giving To The Community

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A week or so ago, on the Student Representative Council's Facebook page, the annual involvement of the Interior Design program in local "Decking The Hall" projects was highlighted. Students took part in the Christmas decorating of Windsor's historic Willistead Manor (accompanying photo) and the Fogolar Furlan Club.

But that was not the extent of their seasonal generosity.

Also with a tie-in to the women's organization of the Fogolar Furlan Club, the students donated items to a project led by the local Women Making A Difference group. It is providing approximately 300 book-bags to a school in the African nation of Ghana, crammed with academic supplies.

And they didn't stop at book bags. The students also contributed to the Windsor Women's Shelter "Fill The Purses" project, filling handbags with assorted items for homeless individuals.

Oh, and to top off their community involvement, the Interior Designers donated food and blankets to Street Help and The Downtown Mission.

All of this has been taking place while the students have been pursuing their own college studies – and while many of them, also, have been participating in a semester-long, North America-wide competition staged by the Interior Design Educators Council.

Every year, a different challenge is presented to students – this year being the design of a functional, full-service and welcoming homeless shelter.

Just recently, the Council announced that eight St. Clair students have been elevated into the next phase of the prestigious contest. Stay tuned for further results as that competition runs its course through the next semester.