Downtown Student Centre Has Lots Of Services

Food Bank

Here are three things that you maybe didn’t know about the downtown TD Student Success Centre (corner of University and Victoria Avenues), managed by the Student Representative Council:

• Because it is not an academic facility per se (no regular classes are staged there), it is not a site of picketing during the current faculty strike …

… So, if you are looking for quiet study space, and/or a computer to use – and don’t want to cross a picket-line – this Student Centre is a great option.

This facility is, currently, operating under the college’s strike-restricted hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m..

• This building is also the storage-and-distribution base of the SRC-operated campus Food Bank for cash-strapped students (especially students with families).

For info about the Food Bank, surf to

Recently, this service’s shelves were restocked – in a big way – by the SRC’s annual “Hunger Bites” campaign.

Every October, the student government and a throng of volunteer-students distribute hunger-awareness pamphlets to thousands of households in various Windsor neighbourhoods. Attached to those flyers is a paper bag. Home-owners are invited to donate canned and other non-perishable food items to the college’s Food Bank, by filling the bags and leaving them on their front porches for evening pick-ups by the SRC squad.

The photo accompanying this article shows some of the Food Bank’s shelves, restocked by this year’s remarkably successful Hunger Bites blitz.

• And, a reminder of this announcement, published at the beginning of the year:

There might be some “growing pains” as the service is developed … but the Student Representative Council (SRC) is, this year, encouraging downtown students to make use of its Student Centre Copy at the South Windsor campus for their high-quality, large-scale printing needs.

The Copy Centre, located in the South Windsor campus’ Student Centre (across from the Tim Hortons) is stocked with high-quality, large-dimension paper, that is fed into both a high-quality photocopier/printer and a large-format plotter.

In the past, it has been chiefly used by South Campus students in such disciplines as Architectural Technology, Interior Design and Landscaping.

But the Copy Centre is well-equipped, also, to accommodate the specialized printing needs of such downtown-based programs as Graphic Design, Advertising, Journalism and Public Relations.

The service’s prices are “student-friendly” and ultra-competitive with commercial printers in the city (see accompanying graphic).

How to effectively and efficiently extend this service to downtown students? …

The easiest way for a student (from any campus) to make use of the Copy Centre is to show up in person, with the project in-hand – properly sized, in PDF format (that’s mandatory), on a USB memory-stick – and give it to the staffer at the counter.

Production turn-around spans vary during the year, depending (especially) upon whether it is a busy “project deadline time”. But the staffer can usually indicate when a job will be completed and ready for pick-up.

Alternatively, for the convenience of downtown students ONLY, the Copy Centre will accept print-jobs via email to

You may see an “email rejected/not sent” message, if your project attachment is too large for the college’s system. In that case, you may have to re-send it via an upload/download “cloud” connection, such as your student access to OneDrive storage.

In either case – an email attachment or a link to a “cloud” – printing clients should provide detailed instructions regarding the project in the accompanying message: colour or black-and-white, the type of material to be used, size, etc. … and when you need the completed product back in your hands.

You’ll then receive an emailed response from the Centre’s staff. It will acknowledge the receipt of your order, confirm the assorted physical details of the job, give you the exact final price, and outline your pick-up or delivery options.

If, for instance, you’ve placed your order on Monday morning and stated that you need the finished product by Tuesday afternoon, you may receive a response stating that such a production-schedule is possible – but only if you can pick up the item from the Copy Centre in-person, “because we don’t have any shipments being made downtown during your proposed time-frame” …

… Or, alternatively, if you give the Centre an extra day or two of leeway, you might receive a response that your item fits into our occasional delivery schedule to the SRC office at the downtown TD Student Success Centre (corner of Victoria and University). You’ll be able to pick it up (and pay for it) there.

Again, expanding the service in this geographical manner is a bit of an experiment at this point, so it might be fine-tuned in a number of ways during this academic year.