Catching Up On Some Stuff

Powerline Building

Let’s catch up on some campus stuff that has been sort of “pre-empted” by all of the work-stoppage news, shall we? …

One project that wasn’t slowed down by the strike was the construction of the new National Powerline Technician Training Centre at Thames Campus in Chatham.

Last year, the college received a significant pile of federal/provincial infrastructure grant funding, with the lion’s share of that going to pay to expand the facilities for the enrolment-attracting Powerline Technician program.

Pictured is the major building associated with that project – somewhere to, finally, adequately accommodate all of the program’s vehicles and equipment.

Thanks to Mark Benoit of Thames Campus for the photo.

Varsity sports teams continued to play during the work-stoppage. See coverage for sports for basketball, volleyball and cross-country in the Sports link at the bottom of this page … But here, also, are some photos of the college’s new varsity team in action: the Saints Gaming e-sports squad.


Another “sporting event” – the local WETech Alliance’s months-old “Nerd Olympics” – features St. Clair’s “Team Lambda Lambda Lambda competing in a variety of athletic and quasi-athletic challenges, all tied to community-improvement projects and charitable causes. After some curling, the team (mostly composed of the college IT staffers) conducted a collection drive to gather items for the local Welcome Centre Shelter. They ended up with enough donated goods to fill a Ford Edge.


Speaking of giving, it is that time of the year …

The Student Representative Council is welcoming donations to support is annual Christmas Toy and Food campaign for cash-strapped students and their families. Applicants can sign up on-line (see the SRC’s Facebook page) or, now that everyone is back on campus, in the SRC offices.

food and toy

The SRC, Alumni Association and college administration are also preparing to stage the annual Christmas party for student-parents and their families, and the children of staffers. It takes place on Saturday, December 2, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in the cafeteria. Again, register on-line or in the SRC offices. Santa will be making an early visit to the college!

xmas party

Another seasonal campaign is also underway. The Protection, Security and Investigation/Police Foundations Society is staging its annual change drive. You can help to fill the “Jingle Jugs” located on the counter in the Registrar’s Office until December 4. With the proceeds, the student organization will purchase gifts and other necessities for several local, financially disadvantaged families.

Barry June of Facilities Management also notes that the Unemployed Help Centre’s annual “Coats For Kids” campaign is underway. There is a donation bin for winter clothing in the main lobby (near the ATM).