The Saint Scene

November 16: Striking professors have rejected the contract offer made by the College Employer Council, so the work-stoppage (at this moment) is continuing.

Ninety-five percent of eligible union members at the province's 24 colleges voted, and 86 percent of them rejected the terms of the proposed deal.

Options now:

1. The two sides get back to the table, voluntarily, and again try to hammer out a deal.

2. The two sides both agree to binding arbitration to settle the contract (and the strike is probably suspended as that process occurs).

3. The provincial government legislates an end to the strike, and (in the meantime) sends the matter to binding arbitration.

4. Nothing happens, for the time-being, and the strike continues.

Premier Kathleen Wynne says she will meet with both OPSEU and the College Employer Council later today to advocate a resolution of the dispute. Still no firm indication if that might include back-to-work legislation.