Unifor partners with college for trades training

Unifor Donation

During the summer, Unifor Local 444 announced a $75,000 donation to the college to support student success and foster a continued interest in skilled trades and apprenticeship training.

Over the years, the union and St. Clair have worked in partnership to help address the needs of Windsor-Essex, as well as the needs of students in our communities.

Unifor recognizes a serious shortfall when it comes to skilled trades workers in this region and the need to train students today for the jobs of tomorrow.

“In the college’s quest to address the skills mismatch, we have enjoyed the support and involvement of all levels of government, the local school boards, corporations and trades organizations,” noted St. Clair President Patti France. “The addition of Unifor and its Local 444 to this effort is the final piece of the puzzle as we strive - as a community - to maintain our economy, and enhance the employment opportunities of our young people. St. Clair is very grateful for this investment, and for our community-minded partnership with Unifor.”

The presentation was made today at the SportsPlex, where President France accepted the cheque presented by Dino Chiodo, (then-)President of Local 444. (He subsequently left that position to assume a job at Unifor’s national headquarters.)

The union also presented the college with a custom-made crest that will be proudly displayed at the SportsPlex for years to come.