Canada Welcomes The World

enrolment trend

By Josie West of the International “Education Thinktank” Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)

Canada is replacing the United States and United Kingdom as the most popular study destination in a number of regions, new research in the “QS Applicant Survey 2018: What Drives An International Student Today?” shows.

The report, conducted annually, gives an incredibly global outlook. Featuring over 16,000 prospective international students, the report’s authors attempt to delve into applicant motivations, decision-making processes, and destination preferences in different contexts worldwide.

The U.S. and the U.K. remain the top destinations overall, however alternative English-speaking destinations are creeping to the top, and outperforming them in many cases. This raises interesting questions about what, exactly, the shape of international student mobility will look like in the coming decades.

As geopolitical events in the two most popular host markets, the U.S. and the U.K., are placed under an international spotlight, the impact of immigration restrictions is potentially evidenced in the participants’ response to the survey.

The report examines the backlash to American President Donald Trump’s travel ban on Muslim-majority nations, and finds an overall negative reaction. While Iraq has now been omitted from the ban, it was included at the time the survey took place. The results are as follows:

• In Iraq, the U.S. has fallen from first to fourth most popular country preference;

• In Libya, the U.S. has dropped from first to third;

• In Sudan, it has dropped from second to third;

• In Iran, it has dropped from first to third;

• In Somalia, it has dropped from first to third;

• However, students in Yemen appear unfazed, with the U.S. rising from third to first among respondents in this country.

Applicants in the Middle East, in general, show a shift from the U.S. towards Canada, the U.K. and Australia.

Similarly, in the U.K., the report shows Britain’s decision to exit the European Union, alongside tighter post-study visa rules, have made it a less attractive study destination. For the first time since QS began the survey, the U.S. has replaced the U.K. as the top country preference for Eastern European applicants. For respondents from the Asia Pacific region, the U.K. has dropped from first to fourth, falling behind Australia (second) and Canada (third).

The future of international student mobility will be shaped by developments in emerging markets in the East and advancements in technology in the West. Emerging markets are already investing in their higher education sectors to develop local capacity and attract international students. The growth of online modalities will enable a far greater participation in international education. It’s likely international student mobility will show exponential growth in all directions, rather than exclusively to the US and the UK, as it has done in the past.

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