Donation Pumps Up The College


With Material from the College's Administration and the Municipal Government of the Town of Tecumseh

This week, members of the Tecumseh Fire and Rescue Services participated in a ceremonial handing over of a truck to the St. Clair College Pre-Service Firefighter program.

The truck was declared “surplussed” by the municipal council in late-September, making it eligible for the donation.


“Tecumseh recognizes the importance of supporting our local and regional community,” said Mayor Gary McNamara. “Many of our firefighters came through the St. Clair College program and, by providing this truck to them, it means that our future firefighters will be trained on a former Tecumseh truck. That is a legacy we fully support.”

The truck is a 1990 Spartan pumper that has outlived its use as a front-line vehicle for the Town. It still has several years left as a training vehicle for students in the program, to teach them how to drive and operate this type of large vehicle. The truck was originally purchased by Tecumseh in 1990, and has been used for major incidents like the Bonduelle fire.


“It is so very fitting that this generous donation is occurring at the outset of International Fire Prevention Week,” said St. Clair President Patti France. “By providing St. Clair’s Pre-Service Firefighter students with the opportunity to be trained on such modern equipment, Tecumseh Fire and Rescue Services is ensuring that the next generation of this integral profession will be well versed in both combatting and preventing fires.”

Members of the Tecumseh Fire and Rescue Services volunteer their time with the college as members of the Steering and Advisory Committee; and Tecumseh’s Fire Tower, Smoke House and Confined Space training facilities are also used by the college for training purposes.

Accepting the keys of the truck from Mayor McNamara was St. Clair Chair of Skilled Trades Lido Zuccato.