A Fair Chance To Get A Job


On Wednesday, January 24, you’ll have the opportunity to act upon your chief purpose for attending college: namely, launching your career.

The 19th annual St. Clair College/University of Windsor Job Fair will take place that day.

It is the university’s year to play host to the Job Fair. It will do so at the St. Denis Athletic Centre, located at the corner of Huron Church Road and College Avenue, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the 24th.

Shuttle buses will be running from all of St. Clair’s campuses to get students to and from the event in convenient fashion. (You can try driving there yourself, but parking availability can be a nightmare.)

This year’s event promises to big one of the biggest of the past two decades, on the basis of the total number and wide-ranging diversity of employer booths.

More than 120 local, regional, national and international businesses, industries, and public-sector/governmental agencies and institutions will be on-hand to meet and greet students and graduates …

… Oh, and to accept resumes and conduct mini-HR-interviews on the spot. Honestly, be well prepared because the majority of the participating companies and agencies aren’t there just to be polite – they are, really and truly, offering jobs.

If you’re a student, there will be an abundance of summer employment opportunities available.

If you’re a grad (or soon-to-be grad), there are full-time, permanent career openings aplenty.

The event’s website has oodles of info, including the list of participating employers, and tips about making a good impression.

Surf to: http://stclairemploymentcentre.com/jobfair.html

You’ve got a week … So, get your best duds dry-cleaned and ironed, and crank out several dozen copies of your up-to-date resume.

Your future awaits.

(Oh, and – new this year – you can pre-register for the Job Fair, to “avoid long line-ups”. For that, log on to https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/job-fair-2018-tickets-41499971532)