October 22nd Will Affect You

election story
A screen-shot of the City of Windsor's election info webpage.

There is an election taking place in each municipality throughout Ontario on October 22 (with each town and city having some “advance polls” too).

So, why should you care?

Admittedly, the municipal level of government does not have a whole lot to do with the administration, funding or delivery of postsecondary education. Most of that stuff falls under the domain of the provincial government (and, to a lesser extent, the federal level).

Still, who is running your city/town, and how it operates, does have some impact on your life – and your quality of life – as both a student and a person.

You think bus service is lousy in your community? Hey, public transit is a municipal responsibility.

Can’t find an affordable apartment? Housing – including rezonings to foster multiple-density residential development – is a municipal responsibility.

Don’t feel safe when you are downtown late at night, either working at one of our campuses or out socializing with friends? Policing is a municipal responsibility.

Those are just a few of the municipal items that are applicable to postsecondary students …

… And there are dozens of candidates running for mayorships, deputy-mayorships and councillor positions who have opinions and official platforms about all of those topics – and who, if elected, have the potential to impact your life, for better or worse.

“For worse”?! Hell, you don’t want that, do you? You don’t want to wake up on October 23rd and find out that a city council has been elected made up of a bunch of nut-jobs who (for instance) intend to reduce transit service throughout Windsor, do you?


Hey, start checking out the candidates – their literature, their social media, their commentary in the media. If you’ve got a really firm opinion or suggestion about this or that subject, track them down and voice it.

The people elected on the 22nd are going to be in office for four years. What do you want your city/town to be like between 2018 and 2022 – when you’re a student, a graduate and – dang – a taxpayer?

This is a chance to have some input, to improve your present circumstances and build a brighter future.

Here are a couple of websites to explore as you prepare to vote:


THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF WINDSOR: https://www.citywindsor.ca/cityhall/Municipal-Election/Pages/Municipal-Election.aspx

THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF AMHERSTBURG: https://www.amherstburg.ca/en/live-and-play/2018-election.aspx

THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF ESSEX: https://www.essex.ca/en/townhall/municipalelections.asp

THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF KINGSVILLE: https://www.kingsville.ca/en/town-hall/elections.aspx

THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF LAKESHORE: http://lakeshore.ca/lakeshore-2/election-2018

THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF LASALLE: http://www.lasalle.ca/en/town-hall/Election---2018.asp

THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF LEAMINGTON: https://www.leamington.ca/en/municipal-services/municipalelection2014.aspx

THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF TECUMSEH: http://www.tecumseh.ca/townhall/departmental-services/elections/municipal_elections/2018_election