Trump And Jong-un To Attend The St. Clair Summit

Summit Announcement
LEFT TO RIGHT: Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, President Donald Trump, and St. Clair Vice-President of College Communications and Community Relations John Fairley announce Windsor’s hosting of the talks between North Korea and the United States.

“Little Rocket Man” and “The Donald” are headed to St. Clair College this summer to conduct their historic meeting between the governments of North Korea and the United States.

This past Sunday (April 1st), it was announced that the college’s Centre for the Arts on Windsor’s riverfront would be the venue for the diplomatic get-together.

For a couple of months – since American President Donald Trump said he would accept the invitation of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un to meet, in an attempt to defuse the long-standing tensions between the two countries – the nations have been looking for a mutually agreeable site for the conference.

Such traditionally neutral countries as Sweden and Switzerland were, previously, considered as potential hosts for the meeting …

… Until St. Clair Vice-President of College Communications and Community Relations John Fairley extended the college’s hospitality as a site for the summit.

“Heck, the Banquet and Convention Department of the Centre for the Arts hosts tons of weddings, community breakfasts, and soirees,” Fairley noted. “So, I said to myself, ‘How hard could it be to handle two guys and a dozen or two of their aides, ambassadors, generals and diplomats?’ Set up five or six tables with nice tablecloths, a couple jugs of water on each table, an American and a North Korean flag and – Bingo! – let the talks begin!

“When we threw in the cookie trays at half-price, that took Sweden and Switzerland out of the competition,” he added. “They were going to apply pastry tariffs to their snacks package, and Trump just went nuts when he heard about that.”

A few other “perks” added to the St. Clair bid also helped to convince the two rival leaders to book their sit-down at the Centre for the Arts:

• During an afternoon break in the talks, Trump and Jong-un will be paid guest-lecturer fees to discuss their unusual cuts-and-combs in a classroom session with St. Clair’s Hairstyling students; and

• “Because all three of us are media stars in our own right, the President and Supreme Leader will also be invited to be special guests on my ‘Face To Face’ show on TV Cogeco,” Fairley explained.

Jong-un and Trump toured the Centre for the Arts during the weekend, prior to confirming that it had been chosen as the summit site during a press conference on April 1st …

… And – arising from a demand made by Trump – The Saint Scene was designated as the sole media outlet to publicize that announcement.

“I didn’t want any of those big, ‘fake news’ TV networks and newspapers to be involved in this,” the American President grumbled. “The Scene is great. It’s beautiful. It only deals in real news, just like FOX Television.”