
sport event

College Adds Its Voice To Multi-Sport Campaign

Left to right: Kim Willis, Mark McGuire, Joe Siddall and Bob Duff of the Give And Go Sports campaign. St. Clair is one of the sponsors of a new initiative called “Move At Your Own Sport”, which encourages children and young people to play and enjoy…
sex misconduct policy

Sexual Misconduct Policy Revised To Include Independent Investigation

Because it doesn’t have in-depth, in-house/on-campus expertise in the complicated and delicate field, St. Clair’s administration will start “farming out” some of the investigatory procedures of its sexual misconduct policy to off-campus…
mental health report

More Work To Be Done On Postsecondary Mental Health Supports

Editor’s Note: This week, four organizations involved with postsecondary education in Ontario released a report dealing with one of the most pressing topics affecting the province’s colleges and universities – the mental health of students. The…

Let's Not Wait Until Next Week To Discuss FREE Textbooks

Next week, March 2-6, is Open Educational Resources (OER) Week ... But, really, given the immense value of this student-friendly tool, let’s draw attention to it right now. OER means, in many cases, that maybe you won’t have to purchase that ultra-…
let's talk

Tomorrow ... Hey, Let's Talk

With Material From Wednesday, January 29 marks Bell Canada’s tenth annual “Let’s Talk” Day. Over that decade, the initiative has spurred a nation-wide discussion – and destigmatization – of mental health topics. The…
environ speaker

College Rolls Out The Green Carpet In Early November

Students, professors and staff are invited to attend the first-ever Green Carpet event, featuring a visit by a world-renowned scientist, to St. Clair College on Sunday, November 3rd. St. Clair students are playing a leading role to ensure that…
run for the cure

College Chef Runs For The Cure In October

What do you get when you blend a Red Seal-certified chef with her white chef’s coat? A pink blur, of course. For 15 years, day-in and day-out, she’s decked out in her white chef’s uniform as a support staffer in the college’s Culinary Management…

CMHA Urges Preparation For Overdose Threat

Contributed by the Canadian News Wire Service Ahead of International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) on August 31st, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) launched the "Carry It Toolkit", an opioid overdose education campaign aimed at…
suicide awareness

Getting The Message Out: "You Are Not Alone"

On September 10, the Student Representative Council led the annual march around campus to mark the college’s involvement with Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month. At the end of the month – on Sunday the 29th – St. Clair will, again, be the scene…
Dental Clinic

College Helps To Spread Smiles

On May 24, for the fourth year, the Essex County Dental Society held a clinic at St. Clair College’s facility in the Anthony P. Toldo Centre for Applied Health Sciences.