Maker Faire: Inventiveness On Display


Contributed by EPIC Genesis Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre

Attention Students! …

The first annual Windsor-Essex Mini Maker Faire is scheduled for Saturday February 24 at St. Clair College.

The call for Makers, Performers and Crafters is open until February 1.

Entries can be submitted by individuals or by groups, such as schools and hobbyist clubs.

We particularly encourage exhibits that are interactive, and that highlight the process of making things.

Any groups or individuals interested in participating in this inaugural event must complete an application at by the end of January.

Featuring both established and emerging local “makers”, the inaugural Windsor-Essex Mini Maker Faire is a family-friendly celebration featuring student projects, robotics, DIY science and technology, urban farming and sustainability, alternative energy, unique hand-made crafts, and interactive art projects.

Everyone in the community is welcome. Attendance is free. Pre-registration is required.

The local Mini Maker Faire takes after other large Maker Faire events such as Maker Faire Detroit. The Windsor-Essex Mini Maker Faire will be a smaller, community-focused event, but will follow the Maker Faire model of celebrating do-it-yourself creativity and tinkering.

Maker Faire, “The Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth”, is a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker Movement. Maker Faire was born in 2005 out of the launch of “Make”, a magazine for makers of all skills, interests, and ages to connect face-to-face and share their projects, insights and excitement about making.

The Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre (EPICentre) at the University of Windsor is a campus-wide initiative that encourages entrepreneurship on campus, and supports students and graduates interested in launching their own businesses. The St. Clair College EPIC Genesis Centre is a unique partnership between the University of Windsor - the lead agency - and St. Clair College, giving entrepreneurs access to the cutting-edge expertise of both institutions.

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