Report To Board: Athletic Saints Were Spectacular This Year


Saint varsity athletes had an astounding winning percentage of 78.2 percent in 2023-24, according to the sports recap presented to the college’s Board of Governors during its meeting on March 26.

The school’s 16 intercollegiate teams had a cumulative record during the year of 133 wins, 32 losses and five ties.

Other measurements of athletic achievements presented to the Board included these:

• St. Clair’s 166 varsity athletes had a collective Grade Point Vverage of 2.75.

• 83 percent of varsity athletes successfully completed each course they were enrolled in and maintained a minimum grade point average of 2.0, achieving the requirement to receive a $1,500 athletic scholarship per sport semester. 20 percent of the athletes are currently enrolled in degree programs.

• Saints won four provincial championships: Men’s Baseball, Women’s Softball, Football, and Women’s Cross-Country.

• The Women’s Softball team won the national championship for the second consecutive season.

• In 2023-24, from week to week, Saint teams were ranked provincially 56 times and nationally 46 times.

• The various departments/programs comprising Saints Athletics brought in revenue totaling $1,637,793 (sponsorships, tournaments, fees, admissions, etc.).


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