Knowledge, Skills, Beauty – We've Got It All


A snazzy campus is an attraction to prospective students, a relaxing one for current students and staff, a source of pride for the neighbourhood, and a benefit for the community-at-large.

That, at least, is the theory associated with St. Clair’s annual Beautification/Facilities Enhancement Program.

An update of projects undertaken in 2022-23 was tabled before the college’s Board of Governors during its February 28th meeting. It noted:

The objective of campus beautification is to continue to create a destination campus that enhances and complements our students’ educational experience, while furthering St. Clair College’s ability to participate in the highly competitive business of student recruitment.

The college has embarked on several campus beautification projects over the past year. An expenditure of just over $200,000, in addition to collaborative projects funded within our Facilities Department, was spent on projects in 2022-2023 at the Windsor and Chatham Campuses. Projects include the following:

Windsor Campus

• Campus-wide installation of an outdoor art gallery. Thanks to the donation of 11 art pieces by Barry and Stephanie Zekelman, and the cooperation of our Welding Techniques students who fabricated the steel frames, this very unique campus development has been completed.

• The continuation of the soft-step walking path connecting the Dr. Patti France Promenade to the Sports Park.  This was made possible due to large donations from our Alumni Association and the Flywire Corporation ($150,000), a supplier to our International Education Department.

• The completion of the final phase of the Dr. Patti France Promenade.

• Corporate branding/beautification of locker banks in hallways to create more vibrant interior settings.

Chatham Campus

• New main lobby flooring, paint and furniture.

• Corporate branding/beautification of lockers.

• Hallway door wraps.


• The nine-month financial update:

• Cancelled and suspended programs:

• The college’s involvement with the community:

• Student Services and “Soft Skills”:

• Research and Development expands at St. Clair:

• College expands online offerings: