Need-To-Know News

college res

Second Rez Planned For Windsor Campus

A document presented by the school’s administration to the college’s Board of Governors (BofG) during its March 26th meeting confirmed that a new residence building will be constructed at Windsor’s main campus. The report stated: The building and…

International Enrolment Revenue Continues To Bankroll College In Coming Year

The college anticipates climbing international enrolment – and, thus, another healthy financial year – in 2019-20, according to the budget presented by the school’s administration to the Board of Governors (BofG) during its March 26th meeting. The…
The Saint Scene

Faces In New Places

Editor’s Note: As the college approaches the end of its fiscal year (March 31) and the wrap-up of the 2018-19 academic year, it is customary that some reshuffling of personnel occurs. That was reflected in a memo issued to staff by President Patti…
federal budget

Some Help For Students In Federal Budget

Elements of the 2019 federal (Liberal) budget, introduced in the House of Commons on March 19, that may be of interest to postsecondary students: From the Ministry of Finance The Government of Canada proposes to:   • Help workers gain new skills…
Minister Announcement

Survey Results "Heartbreaking And Disturbing": Minister

Provincial Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Merrilee Fullerton described the results of a voluntary student survey on sexual violence on Ontario’s postsecondary campuses “heartbreaking and disturbing” during a March 19th press…
loop team

Students Experiencing Life In The Fast Lane

“Experience The Future At 500 KM/H”. Yep, that’s “life in the fast lane”, and it’s what a number of local postsecondary students are experimenting with right now. Currently, 14 St. Clairians are on-board a college-University of Windsor team that…
board: programs

Crime Doesn't Pay, But Neither Does Justice

St. Clair will be proceeding with its plans to offer a Bachelor’s degree program this fall. But it will be doing so almost purely for the “branding profile” involved, because it won’t be a profitable “money maker” for the college. In May of 2018,…
Board: Budget

More Domestic Tuition Retained – And International Money Is Now College's Largest Funding Source

Same number, more money. That scenario was depicted in a financial review presented to the college’s Board of Governors (BofG) during its February 26th meeting by the school’s Chief Financial Officer, Marc Jones. Contained in an update of the…
board: building

Parking Garage Is Being Reviewed

After telling the college’s Board of Governors (BofG) during its January meeting that a land-lease and partnership financing for a new, $23 million residence building was in the process of being finalized, St. Clair President Patti France addressed…
Board Directions

College's Directions Set For 2019-20

The college’s Board of Governors (BofG) has set St. Clair’s Strategic Directions for the coming year (2019-20), by endorsing a recommendation-laden memo tabled by President Patti France during a February 26th meeting. Here are the goals/projects…