Need-To-Know News

christmas island

"Christmas Island"

You know you're living in Canada's "Banana Belt" when it's almost the end of November, a handful of golf courses are still open, the temperature is spring-like, and "landscape lighting" crews can check the Christmas decorations on St. Clair's "…
The Saint Scene

Feds Bolster Educational Work-Placements

From the CNW News Service Giving postsecondary students the chance to learn in a hands-on work environment is part of the federal government's plan to put Canada's greatest strength — its skilled, hard-working people — at the heart of a more…
The Saint Scene

Indigenous Institutes To Acquire Diploma-Granting Powers

Contributed by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development Ontario is taking a historic step in recognizing the unique role Indigenous Institutes have in the province's postsecondary education system, with the introduction of new…
Graphic Design Show

St. Clair In The Community

Some recent St. Clairian activities: • On Friday, November 24, Border City Living, in collaboration with St. Clair’s Graphic Design students, presented “An Evening of Art + Design” on Chilver Road. Featured artists included Leah Bechard, Denial,…
hardship fund

Funding Fight Goes On

ANALYSIS AND OPINION By E.P. Chant, Managing Editor, Student Publications Just to let you know: The battle continues. There are still a number of student government leaders in Ontario – including President Nick Goran of St. Clair’s Student…
Powerline Building

Catching Up On Some Stuff

Let’s catch up on some campus stuff that has been sort of “pre-empted” by all of the work-stoppage news, shall we? … One project that wasn’t slowed down by the strike was the construction of the new National Powerline Technician Training Centre at…
The Saint Scene

New Info About Tuition Refunds And "The Hardship Fund"

Contributed by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (via Email to Student Government Presidents) Questions & Answers Regarding Tuition Refunds and the Work-Stoppage-Related "Hardship Fund" 1. What are the prerequisites to…
The Saint Scene

Strike Odds 'n' Ends, Part XX

NEWS, ANALYSIS AND OPINON By E.P. Chant, Managing Editor, Student Publications Division, The Student Representative Council Well, howdy, folks … And welcome to (God willing) the final installment of “Strikes Odds ‘n’ Ends”. Let’s take a…
The Saint Scene


November 16: Striking professors have rejected the contract offer made by the College Employer Council, so the work-stoppage (at this moment) is continuing. Ninety-five percent of eligible union members at the province's 24 colleges voted, and 86…
international students

Strike: International Irritation

ANALYSIS AND OPINION By Bernard de Vaal, St. Clair Media Convergence Graduate The critique that follows is written in reaction to an endless amount of unsubstantiated replies from striking faculty members and OPSEU union members on the writer’s…